
Cellphone Memos

Every once in a while when I don't have a pen and paper I have a pressing idea so I write it down in my cellphone.

Have this char in unity you can run around on a larger version of yourself. but you start biggest

And explore onto the smaller version. At first you not know you on yourself cause so big.

Cant differentiate where you can and cant go

Tekkon kinkreet

Cellphone mov with everyone filming

Animation with moving inanimation

Boat w/ solar sail

Flight 350

Star wreck.

Gelede masks from benin.

Ensor - moses and the birds.

People riding moto thru empty land. Where are they going?

Dream - tilla bandaged my leg

Ask tilla where 'the indian neighborhood' is in queens. Jackson heights?

Oni - good game.

Hifana - channel h

Taste of cherry.

Just cause u hv been 2gether 4 a year n u dn't wnt 2 marry her don't mean u have 2 break up.

108 lex ave

3082 apt 5 laf

When i am alone i become myself.or when i'm alone i feel my existence.

Sound of feet running as train comes in.

I just heard someone say they'd rather move for love than risk a long distance relationship.

131 allen and 425 wythe

Gives you extra human ability but also dimishes your humanity.

In nyc you can never see where you are going you only know where you are going. That's realy strang

When you assign something a purpose it stops being wonderful and human. It turns into a technology.

Artist who drilled big holes in side of buildings? And ask aida about collage video artist.

Don't know much about history....

The thing in green point. If all else fails, 90's consumer model.

No one ever walks or runs. They float on clouds.

Riding on a peacock.

Genie scratch guitar

El phoenix and nasher sculpture center and fort worth modern and cosmic cafe and fossil rim.

Remember to ask melissa about her boyfriend. they broke up.

Well there it is.

Lots of little messages. Some keywords, addresses, and somethings personal.

The reason for them being here is because i suspect that no one reads this.

But there's a slight thrill in the potential that a complete stranger will see this and receive joy.


Anonymous said...

Seen and received joy, yet I am not a complete stranger. Penguin sheep.

Hello, welcome