
Pat Robertson


Teo said...

(http://teo-art.blogspot.com/2008/10/girl-on-bed.html) -----> I remember you!
This is the first time i check out my blog in like a year, just to find that you've written something on the same day!javascript:void(0)

I dropped out of art school over a year ago. But maybe I'll be applying for a better one this autumn. What are you up to? Your blog looked pretty dead too..

Teo said...

(http://teo-art.blogspot.com/2008/10/girl-on-bed.html) ----->
I looked up some of your pictures at GW, cool stuff!
I'm looking for an art forum. Something that's relaxed, but won't allow completly effortless stuff. And creative. I'm tired of seeing so many talented people wasting their time drawing batman with different funky brushes...
You know any?

Hello, welcome